Monday 1 November 2010

Studying reader profiles

How does the reader consume music in NME and Uncut?

In NME, the reader consumes music through all sources, their results say that in the last year, NME readers consumed:
- 39 CD albums (or £430 worth per reader)
- 45 CD singles (or £135 worth per reader)
- 55% of reader's buy the majority of their music from a Major music chain. e.g. HMV
- 45% buy vinyl from a specialist record shop
- 28% purchase CD's online e.g. Amazon
- 19% own an iPod
- Average of 15 single downloads per reader per month

In UNCUT, the reader's also consume their music in many different forms, such as:
- 79% of reader's said it's important for them o keep up-to-date with the latest music
- 97% of reader's are passionate about music
- On average, reader's spend £600 a month on CD's, compared to £480 on average in 2002
- The average reader download's 8 album's a month
- The average reader consumes 6 CD album's a month

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