Thursday 16 December 2010

My contents page

My front cover

Audience feedback

What is the genre of music?

Firstly i'd like to say that i have accidently used a different question in the video and that this was meant to be the actual question.

I think that my audience feedback for this question went really well because all the feedback i got was the feedback i was hoping to get. Two people said that my magazine represents the hardcore punk genre and one person said that it represents rock genre. They both are pretty similar and the genre i was going for was actually hardcore punk. The feedback says that the colour scheme i have used shows this really well because they are darker colours and this was what i was going for, the darker colours to represent the genre of music. Also they mentioned that the images i used show this because the image was in black and white and it was a serious picture and this is what i intended to do because this shows the seriousness of the genre and that was my aim from the beginning. Some other feedback that i got was about my masthead and that it looks rough, the hardcore punk genre is a rough genre and if you go to a hardcore punk gig you would never see people just standing there everyone there would be going crazy and would be really rough. Also people said that it had a darker colour which fits in well with the rest of my magazine with the intent of having a dark colour scheme.

What are the purpose and intention of the magazine?

I think that this also went really well because people said that my intentions were to entertain, inform and advertise new upcoming bands. This was clearly my intentions because i used a band as my front cover and they are all young and they look like they're having a good time, which would come under entertain. It would also come under inform because it shows that i am informing people about upcoming bands. Also my magazine shows that i am giving reviews on other gigs and my audience feedback have also noticed this so on a whole i think that the purposes and intentions of my magazine and clear and recognisable.

Who's the target audience?

My peers giving me feedback mentioned that the price of the magazine is only £2.00 and that this suggests the audience is for teenagers because it's affordable to teenagers. They also said that the target audience is for teenagers because there are four teenage boys on my front cover. My intentions for my audience were from the ages between 16-21 so on a whole i think the purpose and intentions, the genre of music and my target audience were potrayed well in my magazine.